Your Kinesthetic Education Journey Awaits

"Uncover Your Body’s Language: AOM Celebrates Your Unique Movement."

“Movement Education Unveils the Language of Your Body, Revealing the Powerful Stories, Skills, and Knowledge Within. Kinesthetic Education and neuroplasticity is a lifelong arc, living in embodied memory, shared with our peers and passed on to future kin.”

    • Awareness of Movement: Cultivate a deeper understanding of your body's unique expression and story.

    • Art of Movement: Engage with innovative practices that inspire creativity and vitality.

    • Anthropology of Movement: Connect with the rich tapestry of human movement, history, and culture.

  • As a certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, martial artist, actor, and movement educator, my journey has been shaped by a deep understanding of movement as a transformative tool. I’ve dedicated my career to exploring the intersection of physicality, creativity, and personal growth. Through my work, I have had the privilege of guiding diverse populations, including:

    • Individuals with neurological and physical challenges such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, stroke recovery, chronic pain, and spinal injuries.

    • Dancers, martial artists, and actors seeking to deepen their physical expression and refine their creative practice.

    • School children, fostering early kinesthetic awareness and confidence.

    • Busy professionals looking to incorporate movement and mindful practices into their daily lives for better health and balance.

    Each unique experience has enriched my approach to movement as a holistic practice. My philosophy is simple: Movement is a language—one that connects body, mind, and spirit. It serves as a bridge to self-awareness, unlocking creative potential, and fostering a deeper connection to our authentic selves.


    My mission is to empower individuals through movement, helping them rediscover the inherent power of their bodies, unlock their creative potential, and build meaningful connections with themselves and others. By integrating a holistic approach to movement—one that bridges body, mind, and spirit—with my expertise in somatic practices, I aim to guide clients on their journey of self-discovery and transformation.

    In recent years, I have begun incorporating a scientific approach to my work, documenting case studies and assessing outcomes to understand the profound impact of movement on both the body and mind. While my background is rooted in practical experience, my studies in academia—particularly in psychology, anatomy, and exercise science—alongside my training with osteopaths and physical therapists, have reinforced my desire for hands-on practice and real-world application. I am now exploring ways to scientifically validate the transformative effects I’ve observed in individuals, including those with neurological conditions, dancers, and martial artists.

    By approaching movement education in this way, I aim to provide clients not only with a personal, intuitive experience but also with data-driven insights into how these practices can improve their physical and mental well-being. Through ongoing case studies and documentation, I seek to refine my methods and contribute to the broader understanding of movement as a tool for healing and growth.

    A Global Journey in Motion

    My journey began in a whirlwind of cultural shifts and global events. Born in India and raised amidst the world’s conflicts and transformations, my early years were shaped by my father’s career as a photojournalist, capturing pivotal moments in history: from the streets of Los Angeles to the battlefields of Afghanistan, the Tiananmen Massacre, and the Fall of the Soviet Union. My upbringing immersed me in a world of constant motion and adaptation. My parents, fleeing wars and revolutions, imparted in me a deep understanding of resilience and a global perspective.

    Growing up, I experienced a rich tapestry of cultures and languages. My childhood was a dance between French, English, Chinese, and Russian influences. My family’s diverse background—my mother’s French-Algerian heritage, my father’s Chinese-American roots, and our shared experiences across various countries—shaped my adult life, spent between Paris, Beijing, New York City, and now Lisbon, instilling in me a profound appreciation for movement and identity.

    Movement as a Language

    Movement is more than a physical act; it’s a language that conveys our deepest truths. Traditional anatomy often dissects the body into parts, but this view can obscure the interconnectedness of our physical and emotional systems. Muscles do more than move; they protect, creating tension patterns that are often overlooked in conventional fitness culture. Understanding and harnessing these patterns is a journey of both therapeutic and linguistic exploration.

    Trauma and emotional tension are intricately connected to our body’s organization. Healing requires awareness, skill, and the support of others. Group energy and shared experiences play a crucial role in this process, challenging the individualistic approach to healing often seen in Western societies. My coaching integrates these insights, emphasizing the power of collective energy and external observation in personal growth.

    Body Awareness and Identity

    Body awareness shapes our interactions with the world and influences our perceptions, decisions, and habits. It’s a fundamental aspect of our consciousness, rooted in our evolutionary biology. Despite our modern, visually dominant society, ancient systems of perception and movement remain crucial for our well-being.

    My upbringing, influenced by diverse cultures and physical practices, underscores the importance of body awareness. From my grandmother’s athletic pursuits to my mother’s dedication to dance and qigong, movement was always central to my life. These experiences have informed my approach to coaching, highlighting the need for a holistic understanding of the body and its role in our lives.

    The Philosophy of Movement

    Movement is a universal truth, a mystery that humanity has explored physically, intellectually, and spiritually. My work as a teacher has involved developing a framework that uses movement as a core principle, revealing the deep connections between movement, knowledge, and human experience.

    Traditional education often neglects the body, promoting a sedentary culture that undermines our physical potential. I believe that movement is not just a physical practice but a source of intelligence and self-discovery. This perspective challenges conventional views and emphasizes the importance of embodied education in our evolving world.

    Embracing the Future

    Despite technological advancements and evolving understandings, movement remains an elusive truth. Our identities and perceptions of the body are in constant flux, influenced by consciousness and societal behaviors. The journey of discovery and practice is ongoing, inviting us to explore movement and self-awareness through structured play and collective engagement.

    In essence, my approach integrates the wisdom of ancient practices with modern understanding, aiming to foster growth, healing, and connection through movement. I invite you to join me in this exploration, embracing the profound and transformative power of movement in our lives. My educational approach integrates movement and mindfulness, utilizing the four elements—Fire for physical endurance, Air for dynamic expression, Water for creative adaptability, and Earth for somatic stability—to enhance personal growth.

"Movement Unlocks Creativity, Fosters Community, and Embraces Authenticity."

  • “If you want to be in truthful dialogue with your body, to reconnect with its natural intelligence, and to work with someone who will gently but masterfully guide you to towards that, then work with Ben! I completely trust his knowledge of how the body works, and his holistic, connected approach. ”

    — Sabrina Hayeem-Ladani

  • “I felt extremely fulfilled going home - I’ve been telling all my friends and family about class and they are so intrigued by it all. ”

    -Millie Gibbons 

  • “Ben is the best trainer ever. He is a great teacher and person. I never miss his classes”

    — Maha Alasaker

  • “Studying under Ben's pedagogy was truly a step forward to the understanding of human bodies' capabilities. It is challenging and demands full focus. Ben will adapt himself to the student’s needs and will push them to reach their best creativity level. I got out of every class feeling fulfilled on a physical aspect and, most importantly, I found myself creating work.”

    — Tom Koch

  • “This practice is beneficial to all, especially to all performers. Learning to understand, listen to and trust your body is essential to all truthful performance. This works allows you to explore yourself and teaches you techniques in releasing unwanted and unnecessary tension. “

    — Girshel Topuria

  • “ I have been using the techniques the past few days and they're really effective! I look forward to more!”

    — Danny Musengo

  • “My first session was a revelation.  I can only describe it as a combination of being taught how to adjust my own spine, to rethink how to move my body to correct the bad habits, and to stretch more deeply than any yoga class.  To my surprise I was tearful at the end of the session, partly due to the deep release and partly because for the first time ever I could see that there was light at the end of the pain tunnel. Ben’s gifted and intuitive teaching reminds me of seeing a master in that he can sense the issue before I try and explain it in words.  It is quite remarkable. “

    -Natalie Clark

  • “Never before have I encountered a martial art that puts me so completely in my body.  After only a couple classes I found my awareness of my body increased exponentially, and I already had several years of martial arts and dance under my belt.  People chuckle when I tell them that we spend a solid half of class rolling on the floor, but my body now does things I had no idea it could do (like stand up from lying down without using my hands)!  Plus, who doesn't want to practice knife fighting blindfolded?!”

    — Robin Stillwater

  • “Ben is a gifted healer. I had only time for two sessions with him. My left knee had been bothering me. Ben was able to give me significant relief by working on my entire physical structure rather than just the knee. I highly recommend him. You would be hard pressed to find a more knowledgeable and kind miracle worker. He will also set you up with a set of exercises address your specific needs.”

    — Dieter Gloeckler

  • “Benjamin taught me a lot. I first found him in order to heal or at least work on my scoliosis. The body exercises given are empowering…It’s shocking how awake and aware I now feel with his training.Life changing experience. I feel blessed and so thankful!”

    — Morgan Swierk

  • “I've pursued many fitness modalities from structured cardio, to classic weight training, to pilates and yoga. Ben's creative, multidisciplinary, client-centered approach has seen my body change and improve in ways no other work has done before--increasing my joint mobility, lengthening my muscles, deepening my core strength, and giving me better balance. I move through the world better from having worked with Ben. All the while, he makes each session fun, different and interesting. I highly recommend him to anyone at any level of fitness wanting to feel better in their body.

    -Ben Stark

  • While I was aware of Asian martial arts in particular, I had never heard of Systema, a Russian martial art form.  However, since it was right around the corner, I decided to give it a go.  Unlike the Kung Fu I had previously studied for about a year, with endless slow repetition of various forms, Systema focuses on a small number of core principles, applied to different situations.  Ben teaches the class in a very hands-on, participatory fashion, making it comfortable for both newbies and more experienced participants.  We spend a lot of time with different partners using just our bodies and also knives, sticks, even a whip, working towards remaining calm and reducing long-held fears of hitting and being hit.  Each class ends with discussion and questions sitting in a circle about what we liked, didn’t like.  It’s a great workout and I’m finding it interesting and fun; I recommend it highly.

    — Larry Berkowitz

  • “A great practitioner is different than a great teacher.  I believe that Ben is both.  When I inevitably stumble in my grasp or execution of a concept, Ben is consistently able to discern the “why”, and he will immediately shift gears to a new exercise that frames the concept in a way that lays bare where I am falling short…and from there we can effectively work on improvement.  This ability to read in the moment how I am processing his instruction makes Ben a unique person and an excellent teacher. I feel fortunate to train with him.” “The exercises and training methods during our sessions - whether one on one or in group classes- are challenging, fun, and they get me thinking about how my mind and body can work in concert towards an objective.  Since I began working with Ben, I can see and feel positive results in everything from my breathing and posture to a level of confidence in my capability for self defense should the need arise. 

    — Greg E.

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