An Embodied Approach to Breath and Voice Training

Frequently Asked Questions

"Investing in breath, voice, and language training is not merely a pursuit of skill, but a journey towards reclaiming freedom, awareness, vibrating the true power of self-expression and connection. The breath is the foundation upon which our voice resonates, serving as the conduit for our thoughts and emotions to manifest into the world through language. By honing these fundamental elements, we cultivate the ability to communicate authentically, convey our deepest truths, and forge genuine connections with others. In a world where effective communication is paramount, the importance of breath, voice, and language training cannot be overstated; it is the key to unlocking our fullest potential and making a meaningful impact in both our personal and professional lives."

  • “Studying under Ben's pedagogy was truly a step forward to the understanding of human bodies' capabilities. It is challenging and demands full focus. Ben will adapt himself to the student’s needs and will push them to reach their best creativity level. I got out of every class feeling fulfilled on a physical aspect and, most importantly, I found myself creating work.”

    — Tom Koch

  • “I felt extremely fulfilled going home - I’ve been telling all my friends and family about class and they are so intrigued by it all. ”

    -Millie Gibbons 

  • “This practice is beneficial to all, especially to all performers. Learning to understand, listen to and trust your body is essential to all truthful performance. This works allows you to explore yourself and teaches you techniques in releasing unwanted and unnecessary tension. “

    — Girshel Topuria

  • “ I have been using the techniques the past few days and they're really effective! I look forward to more!”

    — Danny Musengo

  • “Never before have I encountered a martial art that puts me so completely in my body.  After only a couple classes I found my awareness of my body increased exponentially, and I already had several years of martial arts and dance under my belt.  People chuckle when I tell them that we spend a solid half of class rolling on the floor, but my body now does things I had no idea it could do (like stand up from lying down without using my hands)!  Plus, who doesn't want to practice knife fighting blindfolded?!”

    — Robin Stillwater

  • “If you want to be in truthful dialogue with your body, to reconnect with its natural intelligence, and to work with someone who will gently but masterfully guide you to towards that, then work with Ben! I completely trust his knowledge of how the body works, and his holistic, connected approach. ”

    — Sabrina Hayeem-Ladani

  • “My first session was a revelation.  I can only describe it as a combination of being taught how to adjust my own spine, to rethink how to move my body to correct the bad habits, and to stretch more deeply than any yoga class.  To my surprise I was tearful at the end of the session, partly due to the deep release and partly because for the first time ever I could see that there was light at the end of the pain tunnel. Ben’s gifted and intuitive teaching reminds me of seeing a master in that he can sense the issue before I try and explain it in words.  It is quite remarkable. “

    -Natalie Clark

  • “Ben is a skillful and articulate teacher. He led the students through a physical warm-up with essential instruction, clarifying or demonstrating when needed, and letting students figure it out on their own through exploration and play. The parameters for ensemble work grew out of the individual work giving the students confidence and freedom.”

    — Erin O’Leary

Air: creative expression, storytelling and celebration

Take any empty space and call it a bare stage. A man walks across this empty space whilst someone else is watching him, and this is all that is needed for an act of theatre to be engaged.

-Peter Brook

“When you wake up in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, and to love.”

-Marcus Aurelius.

“Life isn’t measured by the number of breaths you take but by the moments that take our breath away.”

-Maya Angelou

🌬️ Breathe Life into Your Voice: Air - Expressive Communication Mastery

Embark on a journey of breath training, and expressive communication mastery as we dive into the dynamic realm of language, storytelling, and vocal expression.

Through immersive workshops, personalized coaching sessions, and interactive exercises, discover the transformative power of your voice. Air represents the clarity and freedom inherent in effective communication, emphasizing the importance of articulation and expression in connecting authentically with others.

Join us as we explore language acquisition strategies and voice training techniques, unlocking new pathways for personal growth and meaningful connection. Together, let's breathe life into your voice and elevate your ability to express yourself with confidence and clarity.

My Services

  • Experience transformative voice training techniques inspired by innovative methodologies, aimed at unlocking your vocal potential, enhancing resonance, and fostering expressive communication.

  • Address specific voice and speech concerns with personalized therapy sessions aimed at improving vocal quality, articulation, and overall communication effectiveness.

  • Effective Communication Strategies: Learn practical techniques and strategies to enhance your verbal and nonverbal communication skills, enabling you to express yourself clearly and confidently in various contexts.

    Master the art of public speaking through comprehensive training sessions focused on vocal delivery of spoken word and storytelling involving body language, and persuasive communication techniques.

  • Engage in immersive workshops designed to accelerate your language learning journey, incorporating interactive exercises and tailored instruction to help you develop fluency and proficiency.

Expressive Communication

An Embodied Approach to Breath, Voice, and Language Acquisition

Ready to Get Started? Take the first step towards becoming a more confident and effective communicator.

  • My language acquisition lab and training course was inspired by my journey struggling with questions of language learning, practice and upkeep, and identity formation as well as my experience as a somatic coach and teacher of acting and Feldenkrais practitioner and ongoing study of neuroscience and psychology as an adult. Growing up as a third-culture kid, languages, stories, and food intertwined to form the foundation of my identity. Both language and food enriched my multicultural journey, shaping the person I am today. With time I understood traveling constantly, switching languages, and being of a mixed cultural background presented deep challenges that affected every part of my life. Language wasn't just about communication—it was the memories and rhythm and melody of my upbringing, the people I loved echoing the diverse cultures I encountered and was separated from as a developing human being. When moving countries and switching languages, a new part grew and an old one was put away, sometimes for many years, along with memories and a felt way of expressing and communicating the sense of who I am, and where is my place in the world. Similarly, food isn’t just about sustenance, it is about memory, emotional comfort and security, and nourishing a complex microbiome.

  • Each language offered a unique lens through which to view and understand the world, enriching my sense of self and fostering a deeper appreciation for my multicultural heritage. Revisiting and practicing languages offered a pathway to healing and reconnecting with my childhood culture. Delving into languages significant to my heritage—Chinese, English, French, and Russian—multiplied this feeling of connection and identity. Working on my voice and expression through Linklater training and acting school helped me discover hidden dimensions of self and early wounds, fears, and censoring patterns deeply embedded into the nervous system and self-organization.

  • In addition to grappling with cultural disconnection, I contended with auto-immune allergies, eczema, and asthma mirroring the complexities of my identity journey. Through practices such as the Feldenkrais Method somatic awareness and Linklater Training, I embarked on a holistic journey of healing, recognizing the profound interconnectedness between physical health, cultural identity, and emotional well-being.

  • Many human beings experience instances at home and throughout schooling where expressing oneself vocally was in the worst situations not safe, criticized, repressed, punished, discouraged and censored, or simply deemed inappropriate for given spaces and circumstances where we mirror our peers and learn to embody shame and self-censoring. I certainly have in addition to other languages being forgotten or put away. In the depths of a dimmed and sometimes silenced voice, a journey toward healing self-expression and reacquiring and exploring questions of identity emerged. Through Linklater training, music, theatre and the gentle hands of healing, I discovered a newfound freedom to reclaim my voice that I am very much still working on—a vessel for creativity, expression, and resilience. This is an ongoing exploration and journey of personal growth for me which I wish to share with my community.

  • I offer personalized coaching, interactive workshops, online resources, corporate training, and educational partnerships tailored for breath, voice, and language acquisition. You'll receive personalized attention, leverage expert guidance, enjoy convenience, and experience transformational impact when you choose Expressive Communication for your communication journey.

3 Easy steps:

  1. Tell me about yourself: Reach out and book a 15-minute free consultation!

  2. Explore the services offered and choose from individual sessions or packages below.

  3. During our consultation, we'll establish your goals and customize a coaching and training program using my approach. If it's a good fit, we'll setup a schedule for online and/or in-person lessons.

    Enjoy the journey, provide feedback, and stay in touch! Referrals are always appreciated!

"Optimize Your Wellness Journey:

Discover Exclusive Membership Benefits!

One-on-One Sessions:

  • Online or In Person at the Studio

  • Hybrid Option: Combining in-person and online sessions

Introductory Session:

Begin with a 60-minute introductory session priced at $50 for new clients.

Standard Price:

$80/hr for subsequent sessions.

Group Classes:

Drop-in Rate: $15 per class

Class Bundles:

  • 5-class bundle: $60 ($12 per class)

  • 10-class bundle: $100 ($10 per class)


One-on One Package Deals:

  • Starter Package:

    Dive in with 10 sessions for $700 ($70 per session)

  • Transformation Package:

    Commit to transformation with 20 sessions for $1,200 ($60 per session)

  • Ultimate Package:

    Achieve your goals with 30 sessions for $1,500 ($50 per session)

Personalized sessions are scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, or tri-weekly, based on your preference and availability.

Enhanced Wellness Package:

Elevate your wellness journey with my exclusive Additional Services package, designed to provide comprehensive support and guidance for optimal results. Tailored to meet your individual needs, this package offers a range of specialized sessions and resources to enhance your overall well-being.

Price: $200 per client per month


  • With the enhanced wellness package you have access to all regular on-going classes

  • Personalized fitness training sessions

    Personalized somatic coaching sessions

    Specialized actor training session

    Language acquisition and communication session

  • Access to your coach for ongoing support

    Holistic approach addressing physical, emotional, and cognitive aspects of well-being.

    Professional guidance from a certified practitioner committed to helping you reach your full potential.

Exclusive Workshops:

Join our exclusive workshops to deepen your practice and explore specialized topics with expert instructors. These workshops offer a unique opportunity to delve into specific areas of wellness and personal growth in a supportive environment.

View Upcoming Events:

[Click here to view our upcoming workshops and reserve your spot!]

Exclusive/Luxury Travel-to-Your-Home/Gym/Yacht Option:

  • Single Session: $150

  • Package of 5 Sessions: $700 ($140 per session)

  • Package of 10 Sessions: $1,300 ($130 per session)

Join today and experience the flexibility and convenience of achieving your wellness goals, on your terms.

    1. Breath Training "Unlock your inner confidence, relaxation, and emotional range through breath training. Cultivate resilience and authenticity as you harness the power of breath, guiding you towards a life of greater fulfillment and well-being."

    2. Voice training: "Use, expand and train your voice, reconnecting with the somatic essence of vocalization while expanding both your vocal and emotional range. Transform your communication skills and expressiveness, unlocking newfound confidence and depth in every interaction."

  • Engage in interactive sessions designed to immerse learners in the language-learning experience. Led by this approach utilizes physical gestures and mime to convey meaning, enhancing comprehension and retention of language concepts. allowing learners to create rich associations between words and their meanings through physical engagement. Through movement, gesture, and sensory experiences, deepen your understanding of language in a holistic way.

    Language Acquisition Workshops for Educators: Equip educators with the tools and techniques to implement an embodied approach to language acquisition in their classrooms. Our workshops provide practical strategies and resources to enhance language learning experiences for students of all ages.

    Consultation and Customized Language Learning Plans: Receive personalized consultation and guidance to develop customized language learning plans tailored to your specific goals and learning style. I will work with you to design a comprehensive approach that incorporates mime, embodied cognition, mirror neuron activation, and other effective strategies for language acquisition.

    Mirror Neurons Activation Sessions: Participate in mirror neurons activation sessions to enhance language acquisition. Through observation, imitation, and practice, learners activate mirror neurons, facilitating the acquisition of pronunciation, intonation, and grammar in the target language.

    A Neuroscience-Informed Language Learning Strategy: Informed by neuroscience insights, designed to create emotionally engaging language learning experiences. Incorporating gesture, music, storytelling, and other techniques, these strategies stimulate neuropathways enhancing motivation, memory formation and active engagement.

    Acting Techniques for Language Fluency: Explore the connection between acting and language fluency through specialized workshops and courses. Learn to embody the language by stepping into the shoes of native speakers, deepening understanding and fostering authentic communication.

    Play-Based Language Learning Activities: Immerse yourself in playful language learning activities inspired by the principles of play-based learning. From games and role-plays to improvisation exercises, these activities promote meaningful interactions and natural language development.

    Online Resources and Materials: Access a wide range of online resources and materials, including instructional videos, interactive exercises, and educational articles, to support your language learning journey. Explore at your own pace and engage with content that aligns with your interests and learning goals.

    Community Events and Language Immersion Programs: Connect with fellow language enthusiasts and immerse yourself in a supportive community dedicated to language learning. Participate in language immersion programs, conversation clubs, and cultural events to practice your skills and deepen your understanding of the target language and culture.

Introduction: Learning a new language is a fascinating journey that engages not only our intellect but also our bodies and brains. As Anthony Damasio, a renowned neuroscientist, emphasizes, "Humans are not thinking machines. We are feeling machines that think." This sentiment underscores the importance of incorporating bodily experiences into the language learning process.

To improve language learning I offer a multifaceted endeavor that engages our entire being—body, mind, and emotions. As language learning expert Vivian Cook emphasizes, "Language is central to our experience as humans. It's not just something we do with our minds; it's something we do with our bodies AND with our emotions."

Mime: Mime, the art of using physical gestures to convey meaning, taps into the embodied nature of language learning. As Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, a neuroscientist and educator, suggests, "Learning is not only about knowing; it is also about being and doing." By embodying language through mime, learners actively engage their bodies and immerse themselves in the language-learning experience. Incorporating mime into language learning is a powerful technique endorsed by experts like TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) pioneer Blaine Ray, who stresses the importance of creating compelling, immersive experiences for learners: "Mime is a fantastic way to engage students and make language come alive. It taps into their creativity and allows them to express themselves in a meaningful way." As Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, a neuroscientist and educator, suggests, "Learning is not only about knowing; it is also about being and doing." By embodying language through mime, learners actively engage their bodies and immerse themselves in the language-learning experience.

Embodied Cognition: Embodied cognition, the idea that our bodily experiences shape our cognitive processes, plays a crucial role in language acquisition. George Lakoff, a cognitive linguist, asserts, "Our conceptual systems are largely metaphorical, and they are shaped by the bodily experiences of interacting with the world." Through embodied experiences, learners create rich associations between words and their meanings, enhancing comprehension and retention. The concept of embodied cognition is championed by language acquisition researcher Diane Larsen-Freeman, who emphasizes the inseparable connection between body and mind in learning: "Language learning is not just about memorizing vocabulary or grammar rules. It's about engaging the whole body in the learning process, using movement, gesture, and physicality to deepen understanding."

Mirror Neurons: Mirror neurons, specialized cells in the brain that fire both when we perform an action and when we observe someone else performing the same action, offer valuable insights into language learning. As neuroscientist Erich Jarvis notes, "Mirror neurons enable us to understand others and to learn from their actions." By observing native speakers and mimicking their language patterns, learners activate mirror neurons, facilitating the acquisition of pronunciation, intonation, and grammar. Renowned neuroscientist Patricia Kuhl highlights the role of mirror neurons in language learning, particularly in early childhood: "Mirror neurons play a crucial role in language acquisition, enabling infants to imitate sounds and gestures as they learn to communicate. This mirroring process lays the foundation for later language development."

Neuroscience: Insights from neuroscience inform effective language learning strategies. Anthony Damasio highlights, "Emotion is essential for the process of reason." By creating emotionally engaging language learning experiences, such as incorporating music or storytelling, learners stimulate the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, enhancing motivation and memory formation. Drawing on insights from neuroscience, language learning expert Stephen Krashen emphasizes the importance of creating low-anxiety, immersive language environments: "Neuroscience tells us that stress inhibits learning. By creating a relaxed, supportive atmosphere where learners feel safe to experiment and make mistakes, we can optimize language acquisition."

Acting and Play: Acting coach and language educator Gabriel Wyner advocates for incorporating acting techniques into language learning: "Acting allows learners to step into the shoes of native speakers, embodying their gestures, expressions, and emotions. This immersive approach deepens understanding and fosters authentic communication."

Play-Based Learning: Playwright and educator Loris Malaguzzi highlights the value of play in language acquisition: "Play is the highest form of research. Through playful activities like games, role-plays, and improvisation, learners engage in meaningful interactions and develop language skills in a natural, enjoyable way."

By integrating insights from language learning experts who emphasize an embodied approach, as well as advocates for acting and play-based learning, we recognize the richness and diversity of strategies available for language acquisition. From mime and embodied cognition to mirror neurons and neuroscience, and from acting techniques to playful exploration, learners have a myriad of tools at their disposal to unlock the beauty and complexity of language.

What the Research Says

I would like to share with you below a broader exploration of scientific research that prioritizes physical engagement and sensory experiences. This is a ongoing research and exploration for me as an educator, after all, language learning is not an exact science per say but I am deeply invested in improving and accelerating language use through methodologies grounded in hard science.

Anthony Damasio: Neuroscientist Anthony Damasio's research emphasizes the integral role of emotions and bodily experiences in cognition. He posits, "Humans are not thinking machines. We are feeling machines that think." This underscores the significance of incorporating emotions and physical sensations into language learning, recognizing that our bodily experiences shape our understanding of language.

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang: As a neuroscientist and educator, Mary Helen Immordino-Yang champions the importance of holistic learning experiences. She asserts, "Learning is not only about knowing; it is also about being and doing." This perspective aligns with the embodied approach to language acquisition, which emphasizes active participation, movement, and sensory engagement to deepen learning and understanding.

George Lakoff: Cognitive linguist George Lakoff's work highlights the metaphorical nature of language and its connection to embodied experiences. He suggests, "Our conceptual systems are largely metaphorical, and they are shaped by the bodily experiences of interacting with the world." This insight underscores the importance of using physical gestures, movements, and sensory experiences to anchor language concepts in tangible, embodied experiences.

Erich Jarvis: Neuroscientist Erich Jarvis's research on mirror neurons sheds light on how we learn language through observation and imitation. He notes, "Mirror neurons enable us to understand others and to learn from their actions." This emphasizes the value of modeling native speakers' language patterns and gestures, leveraging mirror neurons to enhance language acquisition.

Loris Malaguzzi: Educator Loris Malaguzzi emphasized the importance of play in learning, stating, "Play is the highest form of research." This perspective underscores the value of incorporating playful, interactive activities into language acquisition, allowing learners to engage their bodies and minds in a joyful exploration of language.

Gabriel Wyner: Drawing on his expertise in acting and language learning, Gabriel Wyner advocates for immersive, experiential approaches to language acquisition. He believes that acting techniques can deepen understanding and retention of language concepts, enabling learners to embody the language and express themselves with authenticity.

Stephen Krashen: Renowned linguist Stephen Krashen highlights the role of low-anxiety, immersive language environments in promoting acquisition. He emphasizes, "Language acquisition does not require extensive use of conscious grammatical rules." Instead, creating relaxed, supportive atmospheres where learners can engage in meaningful interactions facilitates natural language acquisition.

Diane Larsen-Freeman: Language acquisition researcher Diane Larsen-Freeman emphasizes the importance of holistic learning experiences. She suggests, "Language learning is not just about memorizing vocabulary or grammar rules." By engaging in embodied, experiential learning activities, learners deepen their understanding of language and culture, fostering authentic communication.

Patricia Kuhl: Patricia Kuhl's research on early language development highlights the significance of emotional engagement in learning. She notes, "Babies are not just listening. They are listening for meaning, for patterns." This insight underscores the importance of creating emotionally engaging language learning experiences, stimulating learners' curiosity and motivation.

Blaine Ray: Language educator Blaine Ray pioneered the TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) method, which emphasizes storytelling and interactive, personalized language experiences. He believes that engaging learners in compelling narratives and real-life scenarios fosters deep engagement and meaningful language acquisition.

Vivian Cook: Linguist Vivian Cook emphasizes the multifaceted nature of language learning, stating, "Language is central to our experience as humans." This perspective highlights the interconnectedness of language with our emotions, experiences, and identities, underscoring the value of incorporating embodied, experiential approaches to language acquisition.

Incorporating Embodied Approaches: Building upon these foundational insights, our approach to language acquisition embraces a holistic, embodied perspective. Through techniques such as mime, role-play, physical exercises, and multisensory activities, learners actively engage their bodies and minds in the language learning process.

Mime and Role-Play: Mime and role-play activities allow learners to embody language concepts, emotions, and scenarios, fostering a deeper understanding and internalization of vocabulary and grammar. By physically enacting language, learners activate mirror neurons and enhance their ability to express themselves authentically in the target language.

Physical Exercises and Movement: Incorporating physical exercises and movement into language learning not only promotes physical well-being but also strengthens the mind-body connection. By pairing language practice with movement, learners create powerful associations between words and actions, enhancing memory retention and overall language proficiency.

Multisensory Activities: Engaging in multisensory activities, such as listening to music, cooking traditional dishes, or exploring cultural artifacts, enriches the language learning experience. By stimulating multiple senses simultaneously, learners deepen their connection to the language and culture, fostering a more immersive and holistic understanding.

Conclusion: As we navigate the intricate landscape of language acquisition, let us embrace the embodied approach as a pathway to deeper learning, richer experiences, and authentic communication. By honoring the interconnectedness of body, mind, and language, we unlock the full potential of our linguistic journey. Join us in this immersive exploration, where every movement, gesture, and sensation becomes a stepping stone towards fluency and cultural understanding.


Training Studio Location


97 Rua Do Conde De Redondo, 1150-103 Lisbon

(724) 901 - 1217